
2013 Russian Sport School (SDUSHOR)/Russian Hopes Championships

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Sport School (SDUSHOR)/Russian Hopes Okrug Championships

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Cup of Four-Time Olympic Champion Aleksei Nemov

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 International Competition Dedicated to the Protection of Children

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Open Championships of the Zaibaikalskovo Krai

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Snezhinka Competition

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Dynamo Cup

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Cup

Gymnasts featured on this website are linked where appropriate.

2013 Eurasian Games

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russia-China Youth Games

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Spartakiada

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Okrug Spartakiada

Gymnasts featured on this site are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russia and the Near Abroad Olympic Hopes

Gymnasts featured on this website are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Junior Championships

Gymnasts featured on this website are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Championships

Gymnasts featured on this website are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Federal Okrug Junior Championships

Gymnasts featured on this website are linked where appropriate.

2013 Russian Federal Okrug Championships

Gymnasts featured on this website are linked where appropriate.